Infernal Temple

Infernal Temple
Power: 1
Body: 5
Cost: 2
Resource: [Lotus]
Infernal Temple provides one [Magic] resource for each Demon you control.

General Notes

Pretty average card as these types go. Provides the standard resource, the low body and a middling ability. Not as useful as the Family Estate. Mostly comparable to a Shaolin Sanctuary.


I'm torn about how to use these. Stick it into the front row, and the 5 body is a liability. Usually, the card will end up in your smoked pile, or worse, in the opponents site structure (doubly worse, when he plays out an Orange Senshi Chamber). Put it into the back row, and you're nearly forced to play out your Feng Shui sites into the front, where people can take them from you for the win. Sigh.

Definitely most useful in a Lotus deck with lots of Demons. Only, to get out those Demons usually takes a [Magic] resource to begin with. I suspect the best use is to get this out with a Shadowy Horror, and quickly sneak out those [Magic] requiring Demons to ramp up. But, a few Final Brawls later, and you've got nothing to show for it.


Provides the Inaspicious Reburial proof Lotus resource. Extra magic can help boost a Shattering Fire or sneak out the two magic requiring Events.


Low body (universal to these cards), middling power, and might not make it into your smoked pile. Lord knows I never smoke these types of sites if I'm playing Lotus.


Last modified: June 9, 1996; please send comments to