Flashpoint Combos

So, what keen Flashpoint combos can you think of? Send me your ideas; I'll collect 'em here. I didn't bother with the ones I thought were obvious (clearly playing a Really Big Gun on an Ex-Commando is a good thing, and you don't need anyone to explain it to you), so this is both short and highly subjective.

Stolen Police Car/Ring of Gates

You can make your Stolen Police Cars risk-free by stocking Ring of Gates in your deck -- flip the coin, and if you come up tails you can always turn the Ring of Gates to avoid returning the character to your hand.

Total War/Code Red

Code Red becomes much more useful if you keep a Total War around. Force every character your opponent controls to join in on the attack, and then play a Code Red to send your characters over to attack him, without any risk of interceptions. Cellular Reinvigoration is another nice card to add to the mix, especially if the initial attack was on a big character.

Scrappy Kid/Rigorous Discipline

Highish opportunity cost, but if there's a Scrappy Kid around while a big thug is attacking, you can always Rigorous Discipline the big thug with the Scrappy Kid's power. I think this is the first time Rigorous Discipline has been a useful denial card even once the attack is declared. Also works with Soul Diver.

Smart Missile

There are quite a few cards that make Smart Missile more useful. Monkeywrenching is great, of course. Dance of the Centipede is going to see new uses. And of course, playing a Motorcycle on someone else's character is better than ever.


Speaking of Monkeywrenching, it goes nicely with the Gearhead and/or the Redglare Cathedral.

Turtle Beach/Violet Meditation or Pocket Demon

Turtle Beach is strong enough so that it's worth seizing, unlike Auspicious Termites, which is pleasant for your Violet Meditations. Or if you don't want it seized, you could take the risk of playing an Inauspicious Corruption on it.

Dirk Wisely's Gambit

Use Mr. Wisely's Gambit in conjunction with the Scrappy Kid, or Red Lantern Tavern, or anyone with Assassinate, or Jane Q. Public; all of these almost guarantee the two Power.

Battleground Sites/Fox Outfoxed

Putting a Fox Outfoxed on a Battleground Site almost guarantees that nobody will want to take it.

PubOrd Raid/Napalm Sunrise

Either pin them down with a PubOrd Raid before you fry them, or Napalm Sunrise to convince them to move out of the way, then Raid the other location, leaving a severe lack of interceptors.


Combos to date from Bryant Durrell (y'r humble Webmaster), David Eber, Rob Heinsoo, Rob Illing, and Tomasi Akimeta.

Last modified: June 18, 1997.
Send server comments to durrell@innocence.com.