Monstrous Denial

Designed by Darren Miguez.

Monstrous Denial
Feng Shui -- 12 cards
3Ancient Temple
3Inner Sanctum
3Sacred Ground
3Auspicious Termites
Edges -- 1 card
1Feast of Souls
Events -- 7 cards
4Dance of the Centipede
3Tortured Memories
States -- 20 cards
3Flying Guillotine
3Inexorable Corruption
1Sphere of Defilement
1Vampiric Touch
3Demon Within
3Veiling of the Light
1Theft of Fortune
2Sword of Biting
Resource Characters -- 12 cards
2Hopping Vampire
3Shadowy Horror
4Sinister Priest
3Thorns of the Lotus
Nasty Bastards -- 12 cards
2Gnarled Horror
3Gnarled Marauder
1Thing With 1000 Tongues
1Kan Li
1Gao Zhang
1Kun Kan
2Abysmal Spirit
1Tomb Spirit


This deck is a big monster deck, with a few added annoyance cards, like Veiling of the Light, and Sword of Biting. Some cards I threw in just to see how they would do... (vampiric touch)... As yet unplaytested (well, I lie, prectically unplaytested; after 2 people shuffling it, I played it and it took me *9* turns to find a Feng Shui site. The game only lasted 12 turns, so I say the deck has had no real play yet)