Mirror Mirror

By Matthew W. Dicksion
July 21, 1997


4 Inner Sanctum
2 Sacred Ground
2 Stone Garden
1 Pinball Hall
1 Jagged Cliffs
1 Cave Network
1 Alchemist's Lair


5 DNA Mage
5 Portal Jockey
2 Test Subjects
1 Plasma Trooper


3 Mirror Dancer
4 Midnight Whisperer
1 Desdemona Deathangel
1 Rocket Scientist
1 Pod Trooper

Other Stuff:

4 Abominable Wave
4 Arcanowave Pulse
2 Seed of the New Flesh
3 Godhammers
2 Hover Tank
1 Attack Helicopter
2 Sucker Rounds
2 Death-O-Rama
2 Disc Fire
1 Nuked
1 Neutron Bomb
1 Expendable Unit (a very underrated card, I think)
1 Nerve Gas
2 Pocket Demon


It should be easy for the reader to surmise the basic strategy for using this deck: The addition of Mirror Dancers adds another dimension to the deck strategy. Dancers work best when played immediately after the board has been cleared. There are several ways to do this with this deck: Since our habitual Hand player is going to be gone for a while I mean to remove the Hand hosers from this deck and add more Neutron Bombs, Nerve Gas and and Godhammers, making it more general-usage. Even then, the Dancers here will be more tacked on than integrated into the deck. Given the success I've had with them so far, however, I'm already considering making a deck that really is built around them. Quick, guys, change your sites! =)

Last modified: October 25, 1997.