Daddy Warbucks

You'll Pay To Find Out What We Really Think

Daddy Warbucks
4Blessed Orchards
4Family Homes
2Inner Sanctums
2Stone Gardens
4Family Estates
2The Rackets
2Paper Trails
4Shadowy Mentors
5Mole Networks
3Faked Deaths
2Bites of the Jellyfish
4Students of the Bear
4Swat Teams
3Might of the Elephants
4Swiss Bankers


Two-thirds of my Feng Shui sites have potential to generate bonus power; the other third is general purpose. The Stone Gardens are important for healing the weaker sites. The Family Estates give me more Ascended Resources, more power, and cheaper characters.

There aren't a lot of heavy hitters in this deck. But the Shadowy Mentors serve well in their stead, and they can also be nice in the beginning of the game; I picked up my second Feng Shui site on my third turn by a straightforward attack, last night. Not an optimal situation, I'd rather have been able to play it, but it was good that I had an alternative.

The Securities keep the Family Homes and Family Estates safe. I've used Family Estates as a front-row defensive site with this deck.

The Mole Networks get me power; the Faked Deaths make the most of my previously mentioned shortage of heavy hitters. The Bites -- I'm not sure here. I haven't had a chance to use one yet. It might be just our play style, or it might be that people know I have them. I could drop down to one or two and get the same effect if it's the latter, though.

The Mights can be very nasty, especially in midgame. The Dracos are of course Dracos, and what more really needs to be said? This deck, over four or five games last night, got a Draco out almost every game.

The Swiss Bankers haven't been as useful as I'd hoped, but then, they do draw fire in a big way. So that's OK. And with a Family Estate out, they don't really cost much to play.

The Liquidators often do four points of damage. There aren't enough Lodge sorts in this deck to make it a sure thing, but it happens from time to time. And I get a lot of aesthetic pleasure out of watching a bunch of thugs with guns shooting up Mutoids.

Play Style

Hammer hammer hammer. Build early, build often. The ultimate goals is to get out Draco and the Mights (the latter with 6 or 7 Ascended Resources around) and use Shadowy Mentors to pave the path to victory. The Securities and Stone Gardens allow me to worry less about defense than I might otherwise.

Oddly enough, and this probably says something about my play style, even though this is an Ascended deck it isn't a very subtle deck.